Part of our Shostakovich call for submissions.
his moustache chastely excites little children go running and hide open distance talks to the head shaken parallel perfect fifth scratching the surface nothing remains tenor voices crossing higher and higher raise the glass over the harmonica suspension passing six-four chords a chorale of so many things retain the cold what is moderately slow a worm cut in two cockles said I love doubled death said I do the snow is heaped and fog crowds the fifth dimension swallows coming up for air like whales the raid is near how long will it go on for ? and more importantly what for? fourth scale rotund by degrees this and only this and then this imply this subjectivity is god the left and right hands invert the black and gray slowly walking pace take the lunar step into the day the common tone of roots of stones the same voice overtake the others by step not by choice singing the passion of a leaf— oh deaf eyes and blind feet bare in the light suffocated under the snow a nude stick holding out in the long famished winter road imperfect equivalence beats and measures a sated load on the bloody shoulders of workers peasants the rich overthrown the next division major joy eats into the minor grief some deserter running in a hurry it is simple in the night the bats and bullets fly dissonance in the white key the white night Siberia the stage for comedies octaves voyage silver hairs journey trucks full to the ears the augmented triads build from scratch a pyramid no one knows how or when or why nothing matters— despite I loved you discrete in the dark stack a staff repents not to grant not to receive toot toot morphine and cocaine cook up the brains of a motorist the lowest note signifies surrender? can you excavate a white flag fluttering in monotone so tender? I once was lost now the progression mutilates soldiers without faces cuts and pastes genitals of men and women beautifully on polka dots cliffs of limestones bears and peacocks on public squares a new party line march on the general never cheats default hairline recedes eras end final pause after so much of what can't be heard ∎