Megan Denese Mealor

Megan Denese Mealor echoes and erases in her hometown of Jacksonville, Florida. Nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize and a current Best of the Net Poetry nominee, her writing and photography have been featured in literary journals worldwide, most recently Across the Margin, Brazos River Review, and The Disappointed Housewife. Megan has authored three poetry collections: Bipolar Lexicon (Unsolicited Press, 2018); Blatherskite (Clare Songbirds, 2019); and A Mourning Dove’s Wishbone (brand-new from Cyberwit, 2022). A survivor of bipolar disorder, Megan’s main mission as a writer is to inspire others feeling stigmatized for their mental health. She, her husband Tony, 9-year-old son Jesse, who was diagnosed with autism at age three, and the family’s three mollycoddled cats Trigger, Lulu, and Hobbes occupy a cavernous, cozy townhouse ornamented with vintage ads for Victorian inventions.