Along The Cul de Sac

Présentation du Miracle, Paul Klee

Standing along the cul de sac
Bouncing a tennis ball
Back and forth between them
Repeating things they’ve overheard

Bouncing a tennis ball
From boy to girl
Repeating things they’ve overheard
Boys speak warnings for girls

From boy to girl
The message is expected
Boys speak warnings for girls
Girls listen but don’t believe

The message is expected
And then rejected
Girls listen but don’t believe
And keep the tennis ball

And then rejected
They walk off on their own
And keep the tennis ball
For their parents waiting at home

They walk off on their own
The boys run to a box with a phone
For their parents waiting at home
To come and grab them

The boys run to a box with a phone
A stranger follows them on his own
To come and grab them
Spoken warnings still rejected

A stranger follows them on his own
The boys find their lift home
Spoken warnings still rejected
So girls don’t look behind them

The boys find their lift home
Their parents shouting out warnings
The girls don’t look behind them
Kicking the tennis ball across the road

Their parents shouting out warnings
The boys joining their calling
Kicking the tennis ball across the road
Like a hopeful chorus line

The boys joining their calling
Waiting for replies
Like a hopeful chorus line
Standing along the cul de sac

The message expected, then rejected —
the girls don’t believe
the goys; speak, the birls listen,
Beys spraken der κακο
Gorls hidden brød agus
Ж ailin warnen gutt morgan
Это ikke bin laden det greeb
Achtung fer gutten
Og fear laugin’
Hva jente Δ
Yahgs in sahgs with gahgs and bahgs
Noone listens fore
Sans an fear, einnen κακο mannen
Follows them on his own; An Cailin don’t believe
Mais an bean savoir mieux, et puis
Message received