The following play The Proper Task – W.I.P., is the fourth part of Con Forza, variations on music and power in four parts. (Parts I, II, III).
CHARACTER COMPOSER Any age, gender, nationality, race, etc. Decent jazz, blues composition chops. TIME Of the performance PLACE The stage NOTE Art is the proper task of life. Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power (The COMPOSER sits at a piano with manuscript paper. S/he plays with various instrumental and vocal ideas, rejecting and refining, perhaps never performing the whole. It is up to the performer when to end.) COMPOSER Past midnight’s cordial hour Before the bleak of dawn Crumpled drafts ’cross a lino rug Turin Horse Mule Blues Big Smoke, Winter ’53 Silenus Kermode/Louisiana Fats Rewrites faraway and free Hello chaps, just got back Louisiana looking for the Soho shack Oh won’t you jump now, children? Strange fruit out of sight (never mind) Said pity’s slavish tricky Till Nietzsche Fritz he feel that whip (bis) Man beat Overman Lid flip for good (Equine fate unknown) Sister sell him down the river … By London’s dark water We sit down Songs of Insanity Spin on deep