April 4, 2020<August 22, 2021 The Reconstructions, IV: Brahms – Piano Concerto No. 2 by Donald Mace Williams
April 4, 2020<April 28, 2020 The Reconstructions, II: Vaughan Williams – Tallis Fantasia by Donald Mace Williams
March 28, 2020<June 15, 2021 The Day That I Finally Understood the Tragedy of the Leaves by Luis Heard
March 14, 2020<April 15, 2020 The Reconstructions, III: Ravel – String Quartet in F by Donald Mace Williams
March 9, 2020<March 11, 2020 Holy Daisy (After Gertrude Stein’s Sacred Emily) by Claire Marie Anderson
February 6, 2018<February 6, 2020 Lyrical Ekphrasis on the Introduction to the 1st Movement of Beethoven’s 7th by Michael Perret
February 13, 2011<April 15, 2020 The Reconstructions, I: Beethoven – Große Fuge by Donald Mace Williams